Yoni Steam
What is Yoni?
Yoni is a vaginal steam treatment that is infused with herbs.​
The Health Benefits for Women from the Yoni Vaginal Steam are many and varied:
pulls out toxins from the body
helps menstrual cramps
regulates PH Levels
increases lambido
enhances hormonal balance
improves fertility
cleans the vagina, uterus and the entire reproductive tract
increases blodd flow
Yoni vaginal steam is suitable for:
heavy periods
vaginal dryness
bacterial and yeast infections
fibroids and endometriosis
ovarian cysts
yoni tightening
stimulation of sexual energy​
Yoni's numerous Health Benefits for Men:
increases healthy circulation
shrinks enlarged prostate and improves prostate health
tightens and tones scrotum skin
balances hormones and PH
increases motility and boosts sex drive
prevents the back-and-forth passing of Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) between partners
rids penis of foreign microorganisms
rids penis of foul order
assists in overall penile health
soothes pain and pressure from haemorrhoids, while supporting healthy blood flow
strengthens, cleanses and tones
fights bacteria and infections
supports relaxation
invites a sense of presence in the body
is emotionally and energetically cleansing and purifying
facilitates slow assistance with penile growth
enhances libido
clears mucus membrane of foreign microorganisms
assists in attaining penile skin health